Monday, December 18, 2017

Traveling to Mexico, Apostille, legalization fo documents.

Mexico joined the Hague Apostille Convention on August 14, 1995. (Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents). Legal documents being requested by the country of Mexico require certification by the U.S. Government.

Apostille service in California and certified and notarized translation for California documents. The legalization and shipping of your documents is done the same day that we receive your documents. (If you send docs today with UPS or Fedex, we received them tomorrow morning, tomorrow night those are shipped to your address in the US or to the country of destination)

If you also need to translate them from English to Spanish, we start the process as soon as you send us your scanned documents by email. Usually, when we receive your original documents through UPS or FedEx, the translation is ready.

Company documents that need notarization ( acknowledgment, Notary Public seal, Notary signature) before getting an Apostille (Secretary of State). Company Bylaws, Corporate Agreement, Change of Agent, Affidavits, Business letter, Technical Data sheet, ISO Certificate, Articles of Incorporation, Certificate of Incorporation, Merger Agreements, Authorization letter for Bank, Finance, Office, and related company matters, Certificates of Amendment, Certificate of Good Standing, Power of Attorney, Certificate of Incumbency, Corporate Resolution, Certification of Free Sale, Certificate of Origin, Certificate of Analysis, Corporate Forms, Joint Venture Agreements, Stock Purchase, Agreement in Foreign Companies, Business, Letter of Invitation

Since 2012, these countries do not require a Visa to travel to Mexico:

A Alemania Antillas Holandesas Australia Andorra Argentina Austria Anguila Aruba
B Bahamas (Comonwealth) Bélgica Brasil Barbados Belice Bulgaria
C Canadá Colombia Croacia Chile  Corea del Sur Chipre Costa Rica
D Dinamarca
E Eslovaquia Estados Unidos de América Eslovenia Estonia España F Finlandia Francia
G Gibraltar Guadalupe Grecia Guayana Francesa Groenlandia
H Hong Kong Hungría
I Irlanda Islas Guam Islas Reunión Islandia Islas Malvinas Islas Vírgenes de los EUA Islas Azores Islas Marianas Islas Wallis y Futura Islas Bermudas Islas Marshall Islas Vírgenes Británicas Islas Caimán Islas Navidad Israel Islas Cocos Islas Niue Italia Islas Cook Islas Islas Norfolk Islas Faroe Islas Islas Pitcairn
J Jamaica Japón
L Letonia Lituania Liechtenstein Luxemburgo
M Macao Martinica Mahore Micronesia Malasia Mónaco Malta Montserrat
N Noruega Nueva Caledonia Nueva Zelanda
O Omán
P Países Bajos (Holanda) Paraguay Polonia Palau Perú Portugal Panamá Polinesia Francesa Puerto Rico
R Reino Unido de la Gran Bretaña República Checa Rumania
S Samoa Americana Santa Helena Suecia San Marino Singapur Suiza
T Territorio Británico del Océano ÍndicoTrinidad y TobagoTokelauTurcos y Caicos
U Uruguay V Venezuela.

An Apostille certificate has a format.

An Authentication Certificate only certifies the authenticity of the signature of the official who signed the document, the capacity in which that official acted, and when appropriate, the identity of the seal or stamp which the document bears. The Authentication Certificate does not validate the other contents of the document.
  • The California Secretary of State authenticates signatures only on documents issued in the State of California signed by a notary public or the following public officials and their deputies:

    • County Clerks or Recorders
    • Court Administrators of the Superior Court
    • Executive Clerks of the Superior Court
    • Officers whose authority is not limited to any particular county
    • Executive Officers of the Superior Court
    • Judges of the Superior Court
    • State Officials
Certificate of Death for Latin American countries and Spain usually need to be translated, certified and notarized before processing the Apostille.

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Servicio de Apostilla y traducción certificada y notariada para documentos de California.  La legalización y envio de sus documentos se hace el mismo día que recibimos sus documentos.   

Si usted también necesita traducirlos del ingles al español, empezamos el proceso apenas nos envie por correo electrónico sus documentos.  Por lo general, cuando recibimos sus documentos originales a través de UPS o FedEx, la traducción ya esta lista.

México se unió a la Convención de la Apostilla de La Haya el 14 de agosto de 1995. (Convenio de 5 de octubre de 1961 que anulo el requisito de legalización de documentos públicos extranjeros). Los documentos legales solicitados por el país de México requieren la certificación del gobierno de EE.UU.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Estate Planning, trusts, right of occupancy versus life estate.

Right of Occupancy v. Life Estate

Many revocable trusts provide that a surviving spouse or another beneficiary has the right to live in a residence rent-free for the remainder of his or her life.  This type of provision is particularly common in a second marriage when the person who created the trust (the Trustmaker) comes into the marriage with a home that is separate property and wants the surviving spouse to be able to live there before the property passes to the Trustmaker's children or other heirs.

Sometimes this occurs when one adult child caretaker ha lived with the parent in their final years, and the parent wants to allow the adult child to live in the home for a period of years as a "reward" for faithful care.
Right of Occupancy:  The right to live in a home that does not belong to you is typically referred to as a "life estate," or a "right of occupancy."  They are not the same thing.

A right of occupancy does not grant the holder any kind of title to the property in question.  During any period of occupancy, the title is held by the trustee of the trust.  The holder has the exclusive right to occupy the property, although usually subject to certain conditions.

Unless spelled out in the trust document, there are often disputes between the person occupying the property and the remainder beneficiaries about who is responsible for the expenses regarding the property, such as utilities, property taxes, insurance, maintenance, etc.  The law is unclear about whether someone with a right of occupancy can bring in other residents, like a new spouse or life partner.  Also unclear is whether the Trustee can sell the underlying property and terminate the right to occupancy.

Life Estate:  A life estate is transferred through a recorded deed.  A life estate tenant, by law, is responsible for upkeep and repairs, mortgage payments, taxes, and other annual charges, unless the trust says otherwise.

Estate Taxes:  There is also an important tax issue in play.  If the right of occupancy is provided in a marital deduction trust of a high-net-worth Trustmaker, and the surviving spouse doesn't provide a full, unfettered right to occupy the residence for life, the settlor's estate could lose the marital deduction on the residential property and be subject to estate taxes.  An example of this is when the right of occupancy would terminate if the surviving spouse does not live in the home or allows others to do so.

Consult with an experienced estate planning attorney about your estate planning wishes.

This message was sent to you by Law Office of Joan Medeiros
2377 Gold Meadow Way Suite 100 Gold River, CA 95670