Friday, August 19, 2016

After 22 years California Notary fees will increase.

Last increase in Notary fees was in 1994.  Two days ago the Assembly Bill 2217 was signed allowing notaries to charge a fee of $15 to notarize a signature. Here it is the summary:
Assembly Bill No. 2217 CHAPTER 133
An act to amend Sections 8211 and 8223 of the Government Code, relating to notary public. \Approved by Governor August 17, 2016. Filed with Secretary of State August 17, 2016. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST AB 2217, Hadley. Notary public: service fees.
Existing law authorizes the Secretary of State to appoint and commission notaries public in the number that the Secretary deems necessary for the public convenience. Existing law prohibits fees charged by a notary public for certain services, including taking an acknowledgment or proof of a deed, from exceeding specified amounts. This bill would increase those amounts, as specified.

Some of them are: For taking an acknowledgment or proof of a deed, or other instrument, to include the seal and the writing of the certificate, the sum of fifteen dollars ($15) for each signature taken.  For administering an oath or affirmation to one person and executing the jurat, including the seal, the sum of fifteen dollars ($15).  For certifying a copy of a power of attorney under Section 4307 of the Probate Code the sum of fifteen dollars ($15).

There were 38 votes in favor and 1 against(Senator Janet Nguyen).  A justification for this increase may be the cost of living has increase 60% in the last 22 years.   According to the Bureau of Labor Statistic’s inflation calculator, $10 in 1993 has the same buying power as $16.56 in 2016.